Best Friend Betrayal Quotes

Is it possible for a friendship to be so toxic that it clouds your judgment on ever loving them?

Yes, it is, especially when a best friend betrays you. From experience, it can be described as a dagger driven into your heart.

You think they’re the one person who will always be by your side, but when they hurt you, they don’t even know how much their betrayal hurts.

And you know what hurts more than betrayal is betrayal from someone you trust. Those wounds never heal, and they leave scars that never fade.

A betrayal from a best friend is worse than any other kind of betrayal because it comes from someone who knows all of your secrets and knows exactly where to strike.

It is usually one of life’s most heart breaking and painful moments. It hurts like hell, but you can’t help but wonder: Who could devastate someone they’ve confided in?

It may even look as if you are still in dreamland, and all the things you feel towards your best friend will make it hard to move on from them.

But the sad thing is that you lost a person that was there for you and you thought they could never hurt you.

Best Friend Betrayal Quotes ()
Best Friend Betrayal Quotes ()

With all these happening around you, it is just normal to feel bad and want to quit such a friendship, and it becomes hard to know how to recover.

In the end, I’m able to see the betrayal quotes in a new light and have even been able to come up with a few best friend betrayal quotes that you can either use to start a conversation or send to someone going through that wrenching pain from betrayal. Let me share them with you now.

Best Friend Betrayal Quotes

A betrayal sticks more than anything because, most times, it leaves a wound on your heart that makes you feel you wouldn’t want to have anything to do with your friend any more but taking time to process and heal may just be what you need.

1. When you go through the pain of betrayal, it’s hard to believe anyone will understand how bad it feels.

2. I’m not sure how you can stay friends with someone after they betrayed your trust, but I hope that you’re able to heal and move on.

3. When your best friend betrays you, don’t take it lying down. You deserve better than the people who hurt you, and they will pay the price.

4. Being betrayed by someone you’ve trusted and loved is the most painful thing anyone can experience.

5. The pain of betrayal is a deep, sharp, and unending agony that cuts to the core of your being. It’s a feeling so intense when it strikes you. You sometimes forget how to breathe.

6. The betrayal of a best friend is one of the most painful experiences people can go through.

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Best Friend Betrayal Quotes ()

7. After a betrayal from a best friend, it’s hard to find the words to describe the pain. The only thing that makes it better is knowing that you’re not alone.

8. The betrayal from my best friend left me in pain. I just want to forget about the past and move on, but the moment I think of it, my heart aches.

9. When people you thought were friends betray your trust, it’s like being stabbed in the heart.

10. The pain of betrayal is like a knife. It slices through you and cuts into your heart.

11. The betrayal that came over me in a single moment. The pain will stay with me for the rest of my life.

12. No matter how hard it is, please don’t let your best friend break your spirit through betrayal.

13. I feel like I’m living in a nightmare. The pain of the betrayal is unbearable.

14. I don’t want to feel this way. There’s a voice inside me that won’t stop screaming. And it’s not just because we ended our friendship, but because I can’t believe you would do this to me.

15. Just when you thought you knew her, she did something betraying to crush your heart.

16. Betrayal is never easy to handle, and there is no right way to accept it.

17. The worst kind of hurt is betrayal because it means someone was willing to hurt you just to make themselves feel better.

18. The thing that hurts the most is that the one person you thought would never hurt you is the one person who hurt you the most.

19. Betrayal is the most painful thing a person can experience. It is like a knife being stabbed into your heart.

20. The worst betrayal is when you think you have a friend, and they go behind your back and talk about you.

21. Betrayal is like a scar on the soul, sometimes not visible but always present.

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Best Friend Betrayal Quotes ()

22. The worst part of being hurt by a friend is that you can’t just stop loving them.

23. Betrayal is like a dark cloud that follows you everywhere. It never goes away.

24. The worst betrayal is not the one that is said but the one that is kept silent.

25. Your betrayal wounds me, but I will not let them consume me.

26. I can’t believe I was so stupid to trust you. I’m so angry with myself for not seeing your true colours.

27. Betrayal is a hard pill to swallow, but only if you’re stupid enough to believe that your friend would never do it.

28. The betrayal from a best friend is the worst kind of betrayal because it can happen in the comfort of someone who knows everything about you and yet still betrays you.

29. It’s hard for people to understand what it feels like when someone who knows everything about you betrays you.

30. The pain of the betrayal from a best friend is something you never forget, but you learn how to live with it.

31. Betrayal is like a dagger that cuts into your heart and takes the love away from it. It leaves your soul empty and hollow, ready to be filled with hatred towards the one who betrayed you.

32. The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much and forgetting that you are special too.

33. It’s funny how the people who hurt you the most are the ones who swore they never would.

34. Betrayal is the most childish thing that we do. It is the most primitive thing we do.

35. It’s hard to trust again when your trust has been broken.

36. Forgiving is easy, but forgetting and trusting again is not.

37. Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.

38. The worst thing about being lied to is knowing you weren’t worth the truth.

39. When your best friend betrays you, it’s like a part of your soul is ripped out and stomped on.

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Best Friend Betrayal Quotes ()

40. Betrayal is like cancer: it eats upon the host until it is destroyed, and often the host is destroyed long before the enemy.

41. The pain of betrayal from a friend deeply hurts because it was the closest you had to a perfect relationship, and now it’s gone.

42. I just can’t believe I let this happen. We were so close, and you hurt me like no other.

43. The betrayal of a best friend is like a knife in your heart.

44. The pain of betrayal is more than we can bear, but the secret of that pain has one little thing to do with the pain.

45. The betrayal comes from someone you believe in, trust and depend on. It leaves you with a desire to start over, to do things differently.

46. The betrayal of a best friend is the worst feeling ever; it’s like being stabbed in the back.

47. Best friends can betray you even when they don’t mean to.

48. The pain of the betrayal is in your heart. It’s all around you.

49. The betrayal doesn’t just hurt you. It hurts everyone who loves you, too.

50. The pain of betrayal, the feeling that you will never have closure. It lies deep in a person’s soul and will follow them for the rest of their lives.

51. The pain of the betrayal you endured is still a living, painful experience.

52. You were my best friend; you were supposed to be my everything, but you betrayed me.

53. The pain of betrayal can be unbearable. Let our fragrance help you soothe it.

54. The pain of betrayal and heartbreak can never be repaired.

55. You’ll know you need to change your friends when they don’t understand how painful it is when they betray you.

56. Life is uncertain and painful. The best time to repair a friendship is before it happens when you still have time to make things right.

57. It hurts when the one person you thought you could trust the most turns out to be the person who hurt you most.

58. Nothing hurts more than realizing you’ve been betrayed by the person closest to you.

59. When trust is broken, it’s shattered. It’s not something you can glue back together. Once that trust is lost, it’s hard to regain.

60. Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.

61. The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies.

Best Friend Betrayal Quotes
Best Friend Betrayal Quotes

62. The worst thing about being lied to is knowing you weren’t worth the truth.

63. Betrayal is the most painful thing one can experience. It’s not just the hurt of being discarded; it’s the feeling of being so close to someone and suddenly realizing they never really knew you.

64. The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much and forgetting that you are special too.

65. You can’t trust anyone these days. Especially the ones you think you can trust.

66. Sometimes, the person you trust the most betrays you. But sometimes, they are the one that makes you realize that not everyone is bad.

67. You have to learn who to trust and who not to trust; that takes time, but it’s pretty easy once you get the hang of it.

68. I know we’ve been through so much, but you’re still my best friend when it comes down to it.

69. It takes two people to betray. One who breaks the trust and another who is weak enough to accept it.

70. Dearest, I can’t imagine how you are feeling right now. My deepest sympathy goes out to you. I understand how difficult and painful the betrayal of a best friend can be.

71. Don’t expect anyone to make you happy when you are not happy within yourself. When you find someone who makes you happy, be grateful for them and don’t expect anything from them except their love for you.

72. I can’t believe you would treat me like this. You were my best friend, and now you’re just a stranger because of this betrayal.

73. Betrayal cuts deeper than a physical wound.

74. To betray someone who has given you their love is far worse than any crime of passion. It’s not your body that has been violated, but your soul.

75. You will never understand the true meaning of friendship until you have to do without it.

76. You were my best friend. I trusted you, opened up to you, let you see the real me, and now I don’t know if I can ever trust someone again.

77. I’m so sorry about the betrayal that happened with your friendship. I wish I could take it all back.

78. I’m so sorry that I didn’t tell you what was going on. I thought it would hurt our friendship more if I told you.

79. I wish I could take back my words that hurt you. They were the wrong ones.

80. I wish I could take back the words I said that hurt and caused the betrayal.

81. This is a tough one, but your best friend has betrayed you. Don’t be mad. Just be disappointed and learn from it.

82. Let’s be real. Your best friend betrayed you. Mine did too. There is no easy way to say this, but words alone will never give you closure. So let’s make a plan together to take care of what needs to be done.

83. You’re not alone. There are lots of people everywhere who are hurting right now, and you will get through this. You’ll find someone who is willing to help you through it.

84. The longer we stay together, the stronger our bond becomes. But there is no stronger bond than the one between two souls that have grown apart.

85. I’m so sorry I betrayed you. I trusted you with everything, and now you’ve made me feel like a fool.

86. What are you doing? I thought we were friends. There’s no way that someone can betray me like that. You have to explain yourself now!

87. You don’t really want to be friends with someone who doesn’t understand loyalty and chooses to betray you.

88. I know it’s hard to trust again but don’t give up. It might take time, but you will get there eventually.

89. I can’t believe you did this. This is not okay. Unbelievable. I thought we were best friends. I trusted you.

90. You don’t know the whole story. You were never my best friend, and it hurts that you would just ditch me like that.

91. I feel so betrayed. I thought we were friends, but now you’ve turned your back on me.

92. Deep down, you know it’s not fair, but you can’t help loving and missing them.

93. When your friend betrays you, the first thing to do is ask her why.

94. The best friend is the one who helps you do things you never thought you could. The worst friend is the one who pushes you to do things you never tried.

95. It’s true that every friendship has its ups and downs, but you shouldn’t let one betrayal ruin your friendship.

96. You can’t make someone love you, not even if they tell you they do. Remember that being in a relationship with someone doesn’t mean you’ll always be happy.

97. You are not alone in this. We have all been betrayed by a friend or loved one before, and it doesn’t make you a bad person. It’s hard to forget someone who was supposed to be there for you when you needed them the most

98. When someone you once trusted betrays you, it hurts. It can take time to adapt to a new reality, but it’s important that you do. Don’t waste too much energy on bitterness, anger or upset. Instead, focus on the future and what you want to do now—you deserve better than to be cheated on

99. I’ve been betrayed by a friend, but I’m not going to let it destroy me.

100. We don’t have to have a bad-blood relationship with each other. We’re just friends, and we can still be there for each other when needed.

101. It hurts to lose someone you love. It hurts even more when you realize that the person who hurt you was your best friend.

102. When our best friends betray us, we are hurt. But when they betray us again and again, that’s just wrong.
You can’t be friends with someone who makes you feel betrayed.

103. Life is about trust. Trusting your intuition and the people in your life to help make your choices the right ones.

104. Don’t be a victim. Take action, get over the betrayal and move on.

105. It’s okay to feel this way. Let it out; let it be real. You will get through this betrayal soon.

On a final note, betrayal doesn’t make anyone happy, no matter your relationship with your best friend.

But, if care is not taken, the relationship can be destroyed without both parties knowing it, but I believe these best friend betrayal quotes helped you find the right words to say to that person. Feel free to share and comment below because I would like to read your thoughts about the above quotes.

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