Blessed to Have Family and Friends Quotes

Family and friends are blessings. You’re also likely to be showered with love and support when surrounded by them. Being blessed with family and friends is beautiful, but it’s not something that happens accidentally.

Best friends are the other people who will always be there for you. You can tell them anything and know they won’t judge you or tell your secrets to anyone else. They’ll probably listen to your problems with a sympathetic ear and give you some advice that might help you work things out without even needing to talk about it with them.

Family and friends are a blessing, but sometimes it can be hard to describe how grateful we are for them. I collected these blessed to have family and friends quotes that help you to appreciate the people who make your lives richer every day.

Blessed to Have Family and Friends Quotes

1. Blessed to have family and friends who support me through good times and bad.

2. Blessed to have family and friends who support me through the good and bad times.

3. Blessed to have family and friends who love me as much as I love them.

4. Family and friends are the wealth that we all enjoy. Blessed to have you all in my life.

5. I am so blessed to have family and friends. Thank you for being here with me.

6. Family and Friends are the reason we live. They keep us grounded and remind us that we are loved.

7. I am grateful to have amazing family and friends always there for me.

8. I’m blessed to have family and friends. They lift me up when I’m down, celebrate with me when life is good and support me in any way they can.

9. Thankful for the people I can count on, who will always have my back when times get tough.

10. There’ll never be a shortage of people who care, love you, and want the best for you. You only need to look at our family to see that.

11. Blessed to have family and friends who love me, no matter what happens.

12. Family and friends are everything. We’re blessed to have them in our lives.

13. Blessed to have family and friends who love me unconditionally. I am so thankful for them.

14. Blessings to all of you who have family and friends. We love and appreciate you more than words can describe.

15. Family is the most important thing in my life. Thanks for being a part of mine!

16. Family and friends will always be there for me in good times and bad. I’m blessed to have you all as my support system.

17. Family and friends are the people who love you through your best and worst, they’re there with you when your heart is broken, and they hold you up when you’re down.

18. Happy Thanksgiving to all of my beautiful friends and family. I am so blessed to have you in my life.

19. We are so grateful for the people who love us, help us and encourage us to be all we can be. Thank You!

20. Family and friends are the people who lift us up when we’re down, who encourage us to keep going, and who support us unconditionally. They don’t take away from our lives. They add to it. They make all the difference in the world.

21. Thanks to the people who make me smile often, big and small. Here’s to you!

22. Blessed to have family and friends who love me the way they do

23. We are blessed to have family and friends who love us no matter what.

24. I am blessed to have family and friends who will always be there for me.

25. I am blessed to have my family, friends and God. Thank you for letting me share this moment with you.

26. I’m so blessed to have family and friends there for me. It makes life so much more fun!

27. Thank you for being my family and friends! I am blessed to have you in my life.

28. Family is a word that is often thrown around, but what does family mean to you?

29. Thank you to my friends and family that support me, keep me grounded and believe in me. It’s a blessing to know you all.

30. We are blessed with family and friends who stuck by us through thick and thin. We cannot thank you enough for being there for us, supporting us, and showing us love along the way!

31. Family is something that we all need. It’s like a big, warm blanket you snuggle into at the end of the day. We’re so lucky to have them.

32. Family and friends are the most important things in my life. I wouldn’t be able to have this amazing life without you all!

33. I am blessed to have family and friends who share the same values and are always there when I need them.

34. Blessings on all you have, the people in your life and those who support you.

35. When you’re blessed to have family, friends and a job that makes you feel loved by many!

36. Family and friends are the best. They provide support, love and encouragement when you need it most.

37. We are blessed to have family and friends who are always willing to go out of their way to make us feel special.

38. I am blessed to have family and friends who support me no matter what. And I always try to be there for them in return. So here’s to you, family and friends. Keep being awesome!

39. Life is too short to be anything but grateful for who you have in your life and that they’re always there for you.

40. Family and friends are the ones who always make me smile, even when times get tough.

41. Family and friends are the most important people in the world. Thank you for being there for me all these years!

42. Family is the most important thing in life because what happens to you doesn’t stay with you, but what happens to you stays with you forever.

43. Family is the beginning of all wisdom. Blessings include Family and Friends!

44. Family and friends are the people who have your back no matter what happens.

45. I’m blessed to have family and friends who are always there for me. You guys mean a lot to me.

46. I am blessed to have family and friends who love, unconditionally support, and have my back at all times. I couldn’t ask for anything more.

47. Family and friends are one of the greatest blessings in life. They mean everything to me and always will.

48. Blessed to have family and friends who care about me and my journey. Thank you for being here with me every step of the way!

49. three things are better than wealth: health, a good name, and family and friends.

50. You are blessed to have family and friends that love you. Thank you for being there for me today, tomorrow and always. You are the strongest people I know.

51. There are two types of people: those with family and those who will never know what it’s like to get away from them.

52. I am blessed to have friends and family who support, encourage, and empower me.

53. Having good friends and family is a blessing. Have fun and enjoy the moments with your loved ones.

54. Friends are the family you get to choose. And who doesn’t love a good family of friends?

55. We are blessed to have family and friends that support us, love us, and believe in us even when the hard times come.

Blessed to Have Friends and Family Quotes

56. I am blessed to have friends and family who support me and cheer me on. Thanks for all the love!

57. We’re blessed to have friends and family that make our lives special. We are grateful for everything they do every day of the year. Happy Thanksgiving!

58. I am so blessed to have friends and family who love me the way I am. Thank you for always being there for me.

59. Whether it’s a happy or sad day, let us celebrate that we can always count on our friends and family to lift us up when we need it most. Happy friendship day!

60. It’s hard to imagine a day without my family or a friend. Blessings to everyone who has impacted my life in so many ways.

61. My heart is filled with gratitude for all the people who love me and whom I love. Thank you for everything you do to make me feel loved each & every day.

62. I would like to thank all the people who have been in my life, helped me, and made me into who I am today. You bring light to my life.

63. All the support I get is why I’m blessed to be living my dreams. Thanks for believing in me.

64. We love our friends and family, who make every day a little brighter and more enriched.

65. We’re blessed to have friends and family. We’re even more blessed that they are there for us when we need them most.

66. I’m blessed to have friends and family that are there for me in my time of need. Love you all!

67. Blessed to have friends and family. Thank you so much for your support and love through this difficult time. We’re so fortunate to have you in our lives!

68. I am blessed to have friends and family who love me. Thanks for making this a great day!

69. I am so blessed to have friends and family who love me for who I am, no matter what.

70. Being blessed to have family, friends, and their unconditional support of them. Thank you for another amazing year together.

71. Wishing you a blessed, happy, and healthy holiday season. May the joys of the season fill your heart with love and happiness?

72. We are blessed to have friends and family in our lives, who lift us up, encourage us, and love us. They inspire us to get up on the good days and keep pushing through the bad ones. We wouldn’t be where we are today without them.

73. It’s amazing to have many people who love and support us. Thank you all for being such an important part of our lives!

74. Blessed to have family, friends, and a loving community that supports me through whatever.

75. I am blessed to have friends and family that love me unconditionally.

76. Family is the most important part of my life; they make me feel blessed daily.

77. I am so blessed to have friends and family who show their love and support in ways big and small. You guys are the best!

78. So thankful for the people in my life who are always there for me, no matter what.

79. Wishing you all the blessings and good cheer this holiday season. Happy holidays!

80. We are so grateful for the people who always put us first.

81. I’m so blessed to have friends and family who love me the way I am! I’m grateful to be surrounded by amazing people who support my dreams and encourage me to go after them daily.

82. There’s no greater feeling than having people who are always there for you, even when you need them. Best wishes to all of you.

83. Thank you to all my friends and family for being there for me when I needed them most. Their encouragement and support have been inspiring!

84. Thank you to all my family and friends who have been there for me over the years. I couldn’t have done it without you!

85. We are blessed to have friends and family that support us through thick and thin. You know who you are!

86. I am blessed to have friends and family in my corner who encourage, support, and lift me up when I need it most.

87. I’m blessed to have friends and family who care enough to send messages like this. Thank you, your support means the world to me.

88. I am blessed to have such a great group of friends and family who support me in everything I do. Thank you so much!

89. Every day is blessed when you look around and see the people who matter most in your life.

90. Blessed to have friends and family who care about me enough to get excited about my big life milestones.

91. Being blessed to have family and friends to show up when I’m down making me smile.

92. Blessed to have family, friends and even a dog who are always ready with a belly rub and ear scratch when I need it most.

93. I am grateful for family and friends. I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for them.

94. I’m so blessed to have friends and family. Everyone’s been there for me when I needed someone, helping me through tough times and cheering me on when I’ve worked hard at something.

95. I am blessed to have a wonderful family, friends and supportive colleagues at work. Together we make the world go round!

96. I am blessed to have friends and family who love and support me. Thank you!

97. Blessed to have friends and family who are always there for me when I need them.

98. I am blessed to have friends and family who care about me, love me, and support me in anything I do. I also am thankful for God’s love, mercy, grace and forgiveness.

99. Family is the most important thing in the world, and I’m so blessed to have friends and family who love me as much as I love them!

100. I am blessed to have friends and family who never let me go without a laugh.

101. Life is better when we surround ourselves with people who love us.

102. I am so blessed to have friends and family around me. They help keep me grounded and going strong. I love you all.

103. I’m so thankful for my friends and family. They are always there for me, even when I don’t deserve it.

104. I am blessed to have friends and family who love and support me, no matter what. I am also lucky to come home to someone I know who loves me enough to wait for me.

105. To all of my friends and family who have shown me their love and support over the years, thank you for being there. It means the world to me

106. I am perpetually grateful for the people in my life, not just because they’re there to lend a hand when I need it but because they provide me with an atmosphere of comfort, love, and support that’s felt nowhere else.

107. There’s nothing quite like a good time with family and friends, even when life gets messy.

108. There’s nothing more amazing than having people come into your life who make you feel like you’ve always been there.

109. We’re grateful to have friends and family who support us in all our adventures.

110. I am blessed to have friends and family who care about me, love me, and support me in all aspects of my life.

111. God bless you for your friendship, family and love. I am so grateful to have all of you in my life!

112. We’re blessed to have people around us who care about us and love us for who we are.

113. I’m so grateful to have the friends and family I have. They are always there for me, and it’s a blessing.

114. I’m blessed to have friends and family who support and celebrate with me on my journey.

115. Blessed to have friends and family who support me through thick and thin. Thank you for your kind words and prayers

116. Today, I’m grateful for all the people who support me, my friends, family and people like me.

117. Do you have a friend in your life who makes you happy? I know that feeling. I am blessed to have such wonderful friends and family, who have become an important part of my life.

118. I’ve got a great family, fantastic friends and a supportive partner. Thanks to all of you for making my life wonderful!

119. It’s easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle. God knows the way. So, give Him a moment to lead you home with your trusty friends by your side.

120. I am so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends that love, support and encourage me.

121. I am blessed to be surrounded by a supportive family, friends, and a job.

122. Blessed to have friends and family who are always there for me. You make it possible for me to do something which I love doing!

123. I’m blessed to have such amazing friends and family. Thank you for always being there for me.

124. I am blessed to have people who love me and who are my best friends. I love you guys so much.

125. We are blessed to have family, friends, and good people around us. May your day be filled with love and laughter.

126. It’s truly amazing how many wonderful people I have in my life. Blessed to have so much love and support from my family and friends.

Trust you enjoyed these blessed to have family and friends quotes. You can drop your comments, and don’t forget to share them with your loved ones. Thank you.