Friends and Business Don’t Mix Quotes

In business, you have to be as ruthless as you would if you don’t want familiarity to ruin it. The lure of doing business with your friends is strong, but it can lead to problems.

The best way to protect yourself from the risks of mixing friends and business is to avoid it altogether. Yes, you heard me. If you want to be successful in business, you have to put your business before everything else. Your friends and family are going to be disappointed, but they will get over it. And that’s why I put together these friends and business don’t mix quotes below.

Friends and business don’t mix quotes

There’s a thin line between friendship and business. You might think you know your best friend well enough to put them in charge of hiring new employees, but it can be challenging to be completely objective when you’re handing out recommendations.

1. Never mix friendship with business. It’s too easy to lose friends that way.

2. Always remain professional—not mixing friendship with business will help you stay clear of blurry lines, and conflicts of interest and avoid possible legal issues.

3. You can’t mix friendship and business. Friendship is a plant that needs to be handled delicately to grow, whereas business demands a certain kind of pragmatism – one that isn’t possible when someone has inspired your loyalty, and trust.

4. Never put friendships with someone else in the business.

5. If you’re looking for a partner to help you build a prosperous business, choose wisely. Friendship is not a good foundation for business.

6. Be aware of the danger of mixing friendship and business relationships at all costs; where one exists, there is no room for both.

7. Business is business and friendship is friendship. Never the two shall meet.

8. The friendship that you mix with business becomes like a bitter pill to swallow.

9. There’s never a good time to mix friendship with business, and it makes everything uncomfortable.”

10. If you’re looking to make money and pursue your dream, mixing friendship with business is a huge mistake.

11. When you mix friendship and business together, sometimes it’s messy.

12. When friendship & business mix, so do problems!

13. You’re never going to wind up with anything meaningful by being that “business friend.” If you are transitioning from a friendship into a business partnership, or something more, there need to be boundaries.

14. The office is where I socialize. The golf course is where I do business. You see, that’s where I draw the line between friendship and business.

15. Learn business from those who do it well, or do it yourself. But don’t mix business with friendship.

16. I don’t mix business with friendship unless there’s free booze. Never mix business with friendship.

17. Mixing friendship and business rarely ends up well. Do what you do for money, not for friends.

18. Always remember that business is business and pleasure is a pleasure. Keep them always separate.

19. Don’t mix friendship with business. It’s too hard to tell where one ends and the other begins.

20. Don’t mix friendship with business. It has never succeeded, and it will never succeed.

21. Avoid mixing friendship with business; I’ve seen so many friendships ruined because of it.

22. Being an adult means learning the difference between business acquaintances, friends and family.

23. Friends, family, and business don’t mix. It’s like oil and water or wine and cheese—neither of them go well together.

24. Friends and business don’t mix. Don’t do business with friends. Even if you have to go to jail, keep your formalities separate from friendships.

25. Your social life and your business life don’t mix. Don’t do business with friends.

26. The difference between a genuine friend and a business buddy is, you don’t do business with friends.

27. The lines between personal and professional life can get blurred when you work closely with friends. It’s so easy to give preferential treatment or to let your personal life negatively impact your business dealings.

28. It’s dangerous to mix business and pleasure. The outcome of this mix can be devastating for both.

29. Don’t do business with friends, or they may turn into enemies. Nothing good may ever come out of mixing business with friends.

30. If you befriend someone and start a business with them, it will be really hard to draw the line in the sand when things go south.

31. When you work with friends, you don’t want to lose the friendship. Be careful not to mix your business with your personal life. Have separate goals and stay focused on each area in order to maintain professionalism and avoid any unnecessary conflicts.

32. Being successful means being able to separate your personal and professional life. Friends may be friends, but business is business.

33. Friendship and business don’t mix. Don’t let your personal relationship with someone undermine your ability to make decisions objectively.

34. Friendships can be wrecking balls to our business relationships.

35. Friendships and businesses don’t mix. It’s not because the two causes conflict, but rather because the friendship usually wins.

36. Friendships and businesses do not go well together. You cannot have a friendship that is mutually respectful and profitable at the same time.

37. Friends and business don’t mix. If you’re serious about building a profitable, sustainable business, choose wisely when looking for a partner.

38. If you want to be successful in business, don’t get tangled up in friendship.

39. Don’t let friendships get in the way of your business, if it’s not working out you can always be friends again but if your business is falling apart it will take a lot of hard work to get back on track.

40. Friends and business don’t mix and that’s a fact. Maybe you’re more comfortable with a good friend as a manager, but you may be better served getting to know your new hire first.

41. Doing a favour for a friend or associate can be great, but mixing friendship with business can get tricky. Be sure to respect boundaries in the workplace by avoiding any type of unprofessional behaviour.

42. There are some lines that should never be crossed. It’s no surprise that the business world and friendship often don’t mix.

43. Business is business. Friends should never get in the way.

44. Friends and business don’t mix. It’s not just about friendship, it’s about making money.

45. Don’t mix friends and business, it’s a recipe for disaster.

46. If you want to be an effective networker and make new friends, business networking should be left at the door.

47. Friends and business don’t mix. Friends can have an altercation, but business partners must have trust.

48. Never rely on friendships for your success, work only with people who can help you achieve your goal.

49. Sometimes we like to mix business and friends, but often it can go terribly wrong. The result is that many relationships are ruined because of the fine line between being professional and friendly.

50. Friends and business don’t mix, but if you must have both, choose business friends.

Separation of work and friends is one of the most important things you need to remember. Anytime you have potential personal ties with someone you are speaking to, be sure to keep them separate. And never do business with a friend that could affect your relationship with each other.

I believe you have been enlightened by these friends and business don’t mix quotes. It will be well appreciated if you dropped your contribution to this post in the comment section.

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