If You Are Friends With My Enemy Quotes

In life, it’s not uncommon to encounter situations where we find ourselves befriending someone who happens to be enemies with another person we know.

This can be a delicate and complicated situation, as our loyalties and allegiances can be tested, and we may find ourselves caught in the middle of a conflict that we had no part in.

As human beings, we all have different personalities, beliefs, and values, which can sometimes lead to disagreements and conflicts with others.

However, it’s important to remember that just because we may have differences with someone, it doesn’t mean we can’t coexist peacefully or even form friendships with their enemies.

These if you are friends with my enemy quotes offer insight and perspective on the complexities of having mutual friends with our enemies. They provide a range of emotions from anger and frustration to understanding and forgiveness.

If You Are Friends With My Enemy Quotes

1. If you’re friends with my enemies, I won’t hold it against you. But I won’t trust you either.

2. Befriending my enemies won’t make you my enemy. But it won’t make you my friend either.

Firefighter Friendship Quotes

3. Birds of a feather flock together, but if you’re friends with my enemies, don’t expect me to flock with you.

4. A true friend doesn’t associate with those who wish harm upon you.

5. If you’re not on my side, then you’re on theirs.

Firefighter Friendship Quotes ()

6. If you keep your enemies close, but your enemies are my enemies, then you’re not my friend.

7. You can’t be neutral when it comes to my enemies. Choose a side.

8. If you want to be my friend, don’t cozy up to those who seek to hurt me.

Firefighter Friendship Quotes ()

9. My enemies’ friends are not my friends.

10. Friends don’t associate with those who seek to do harm to their friends.

11. If you’re consorting with my adversaries, don’t expect my trust or loyalty.

12. Those who are friends with my enemies are not my allies.

13. If you’re not for me, you’re against me.

Firefighter Friendship Quotes ()

14. My enemies’ friends are not invited to my party.

15. You can’t claim to be on my side if you’re rubbing elbows with those who oppose me.

16. A true friend wouldn’t be friends with my enemies in the first place.

17. If you want to be my friend, choose your friends wisely.

18. Those who keep company with my foes are not my friends.

19. You can’t have your cake and eat it too; you can’t be friends with my enemies and me.

20. True friends don’t stand by and watch their friends be hurt by others.

21. My enemies’ friends will always be on the outside looking in.

22. Those who stand with my enemies stand against me.

23. Betrayal comes in many forms, including befriending my foes.

Firefighter Friendship Quotes ()

24. You can’t claim to be my friend while keeping company with my enemies.

25. The enemy of my friend is my enemy.

26. Choose your friends wisely because if you’re friends with my enemies, you’re not one of them.

27. If you’re hanging with my foes, you’re no longer part of my tribe.

28. If you’re friends with my enemies, it’s okay. Just don’t expect me to confide in you.

29. When you befriend my enemies, you’re not just crossing a line. You’re drawing a battle line.

30. Befriending my enemies is like taking a stab at my back. You might not see the wound, but I will always feel the pain.

31. When you befriend my enemies, you’re not just ignoring my feelings. You’re disrespecting them.

32. If you’re friends with my enemies, it’s fine. But don’t expect me to pretend everything’s okay.

33. Befriending my enemies is like playing with fire. You might not get burned, but you’ll always be in danger.

34. When you befriend my enemies, you’re not just causing me pain. You’re causing me grief.

35. If you’re friends with my enemies, it’s your choice. But don’t expect me to forget about it.

36. Befriending my enemies is like poking a beehive. You might not get stung, but you’ll always be in danger.

37. Choose your loyalties carefully because you can’t be friends with my enemies and me.

38. A true friend would never choose to associate with those who seek to harm their friend.

39. The company you keep speaks volumes about your character.

40. If you’re friends with my enemies, you’re not my friend, plain and simple.

41. Loyalty is everything, and if you’re not loyal to me, then you’re my enemy.

42. You can’t have it both ways – if you’re friends with my enemies, you can’t be my friend.

43. Friendship requires loyalty, and if you’re friends with my enemies, you’re not loyal to me.

44. A true friend would never associate with those who seek to harm their friend.

45. The company you keep reflects on your own character and values.

46. If you’re cozying up to my foes, you’re not on my side.

47. Those who associate with my enemies are not welcome in my circle.

48. Betrayal comes in many forms, including befriending those who wish harm upon your friends.

49. Loyalty is a two-way street, and if you’re not loyal to me, you’re my enemy.

50. A true friend would never put their own interests above their friend’s wellbeing.

51. If you’re not standing with me, you’re standing against me.

52. Friendship requires trust, and if you’re friends with my enemies, I can’t trust you.

53. You can’t be a friend to everyone, especially if some of them are my enemies.

54. Birds of a feather flock together, and if you’re friends with my enemies, we’re not the same kind of bird.

55. If you’re friends with my enemies, you’re complicit in their harm towards me.

56. True friends don’t associate with those who seek to harm their friends; it’s that simple.

57. Loyalty is a non-negotiable quality in any true friendship.

58. A true friend would never choose to befriend someone who wishes harm upon their friend.

59. If you’re not loyal to me, you’re not my friend.

60. The company you keep can have a significant impact on your relationships with others.

61. If you’re not on my side, don’t expect me to be on yours.

62. True friends don’t compromise their values for the sake of convenience.

63. Betrayal can come in many forms, including associating with those who wish harm upon your friends.

64. Loyalty requires standing by your friend’s side, even in the face of opposition.

65. If you’re not with me, you’re against me. There’s no middle ground.

66. Friendship requires trust, and if you’re friends with my enemies, I can’t trust you.

67. A true friend would never choose to befriend someone who seeks to harm their friend.

68. Those who associate with my enemies are not my friends.

69. You can’t be a true friend to everyone, especially if some of them are actively seeking to harm your friend.

70. True friends stand by their friend’s side, even when it’s not easy or convenient.

71. If you’re not loyal to me, you’re not my friend – it’s that simple.

72. If you’re friends with my enemies, you’re not a true friend.

73. A true friend would never cozy up to those who seek to harm their friend.

74. You can’t have it both ways either you’re with me or against me.

75. Friendship requires loyalty, and associating with my enemies shows a lack of loyalty.

76. True friends don’t associate with those who seek to bring harm to their friends.

77. If you’re friends with my enemies, you’re not welcome in my inner circle.

78. Loyalty is a fundamental quality of any true friendship.

79. Betrayal comes in many forms, including befriending those who wish harm upon your friends.

80. The company you keep says a lot about your character and values.

81. A true friend would never put their own interests above their friend’s wellbeing.

82. If you’re not standing with me, you’re standing against me. There’s no middle ground.

83. Friendship requires trust, and if you’re friends with my enemies, I can’t trust you.

84. Associating with those who wish harm upon your friends is not the act of a true friend.

85. If you’re not loyal to me, you’re not a real friend.

86. Betrayal can come in many forms, including befriending those who seek to harm your friends.

87. True friends don’t compromise their values for the sake of convenience.

88. The company you keep can have a significant impact on your relationships with others.

89. Friendship requires mutual respect and loyalty.

90. If you’re not on my side, you’re not on any side at all.

91. True friends don’t associate with those who seek to harm their friend – it’s that simple.

92. Loyalty requires standing by your friend’s side, even in the face of opposition.

93. A true friend would never choose to befriend someone who wishes harm upon their friend.

94. The quality of your friendships depends on the company you keep.

95. If you’re not willing to stand up for your friend, you’re not a true friend.

96. Associating with my enemies shows a lack of loyalty and respect.

97. A true friend would never associate with those who seek to harm their friend, no matter the circumstances.

98. If you’re not with me, you’re against me. There’s no middle ground.

99. Loyalty is the foundation of any true friendship, and associating with my enemies is a betrayal of that loyalty.

100. A true friend would never compromise their loyalty for the sake of convenience.

If you are friends with my enemy implies a breach of trust and loyalty in a friendship. True friends would never associate themselves with someone who seeks to harm their friend, and those who do are not genuine friends.

The company we keep plays a significant role in the quality of our relationships, and it is essential to surround ourselves with individuals who share our values and respect our boundaries. I trust you found these if you are friends with my enemy quotes useful and helpful.