When Your Best Friend Lies to You Quotes

Friendships require trust but when trust is broken, the relationship changes. Whether the friendship can be salvaged depends on your willingness to learn from the situation and respond accordingly. However, if you find out that your best friend is lying to you, it becomes really difficult to move on. It’s not easy to get over your best friend lying to you

When you are betrayed by your best friend, your heart feels shattered. The world seems to be coming to an end. You start making all sorts of helpless victim statements. However, the betrayal is just a setback, not the end of the world

If the friend truly and deeply regrets his or her lie, you can forgive and move forward. You need to ask yourself how much you value that friendship, especially if it’s been years since you have seen one another. That is why I compiled this list of when your best friend lies to you quotes to know how to go about lies from best friends. You can as well make use of them on your social medial sites, and more.

When Your Best Friend Lies to You Quotes

When your best friend lies to you, it’s important to remember that they are human too. They’re going to make mistakes, even if they’re not the right ones. Try and understand why they’re lying and what really happened before concluding that it’s all their fault.

1. When your best friend lies to you, that’s when you know who your true friends are.

2. when your best friend lies to you, it’s hard to tell if they are trying to protect you or themselves.

When Your Best Friend Lies to You Quotes ()

3. When you choose your friends, don’t choose just anyone for a best friend. Look for trustworthiness and honesty above everything else because once someone is your best friend and you discover that they were lying to you about something important, it is impossible to go back.

4. Losing a best friend is the worst thing to happen. But when that friend has lied to you, it’s even worse.

5. When your best friend lies to you, you feel so betrayed, because you know for a fact that they would never lie to you.

6. When someone as close as your best friend lies to you and you know it, the damage is far deeper than if a complete stranger does it.

7. When your best friend lies to you, you can’t help but feel hurt.

8. It can be so painful to have your best friend lie to you. It could be a close relationship, one that you value greatly, and so when it gets ruined it hurts deeply.

9. Having your best friend lie to you could crush you and make you feel less than yourself.

10. The world can be a cold place when your best friend lies to you. It’s not just painful but can leave you feeling completely betrayed and hurt.

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11. When your best friend lies to you, it can be so painful. But sometimes, it’s important to remember that he or she is also hurting inside and may just want what’s best for you.

12. It can be so painful to have your best friend lie to you. When they do it, they may not realize the damage they’re causing. Letting go of that friendship is hard, but it comes with a healing process.

13. It hurts to know that your best friend is lying to you. Relationships are based on trust, honesty and loyalty, so when those things are broken it can really mess you up.

14. When your best friend lies to you, they completely destroy any trust that you had in them.

15. It can be so painful to have your best friend lie to you. It could even feel like the end of your friendship. But there are ways to cope with this and not let it ruin your life—or your friendship!

When Your Best Friend Lies to You Quotes ()

16. It can be so painful to have your best friend lie to you. It could break any relationship, but if you can move on from this difficult time and continue to have a wonderful friendship, the truth will come out in the end.

17. It can be so painful to have your best friend lie to you. It could be even harder if you believe them because then there is no escape from the pain. You must learn how to live with it.

18. It can be so painful to have your best friend lie to you. It could be because they don’t care enough about you to tell the truth, or maybe they’re just not sure whether or not they should share something with you. Either way, it’s never easy to have your trust shattered

19. When your best friend lies to you, it can be so painful. It could cut you really deep and end up damaging the friendship forever.

20. It can be so painful to have your best friend lie to you. But it doesn’t mean that you’re over them yet. Sometimes, as hard as it is, you have to give people the space they need.

21. It’s sad when your best friend lies to you. It can make you feel really bad about yourself and your friendship, but sometimes it’s important to remember that we all make mistakes.

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22. Don’t be stubborn and accept the fact that your best friend lied to you. You will have to forgive him, or her, because of the friendship which was between you two. You now have a good excuse to smile at him, like nothing happened.

23. If your best friend has lied to you, you may be angry and disappointed. But don’t let the hurt feelings prevent you from forgiving him or her eventually. Your relationship is precious, so try to mend fences before it’s too late.

24. When your best friend lies to you, do your best to keep your cool. If you respond in anger, they may not think it’s such a good idea to go along with their lies. Instead of shouting at your friend, calmly explain why you feel betrayed and how you’d like them to change their behaviour going forward.

25. When your best friend lies to you, it’s time to take a step back and realize that things aren’t going to be the same. This doesn’t mean that your friendship is over forever, but it does mean that you have some work to do before you can move forward.

26. You don’t have to forgive your best friend for lying to you. You get to choose how much you allow their lies to affect your relationship, but forgiveness takes time and space, which can be hard when you’re living in close quarters. So, focus on healing yourself first.

27. When the person you thought was the most trustworthy in your life betrays you, it’s a feeling that can be difficult to overcome.

28. When your best friend lies, you end up feeling very betrayed. There are options for how to handle the situation. You could choose to be upset about it or you can keep calm, talk about it and understand that their reasons for lying might be valid.

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29. Even though it hurts to know your best friend lied about something important, it’s important to remember that lying is a sign of a deeper problem.

30. Being lied to by a close friend is not only difficult, but it can also be devastating.

31. Being lied to by a friend can be very painful, but it’s important not to take things personally. Trust is hard to build and easy to destroy, so don’t let this experience sour your relationship with this person.

32. When your best friend lies to you, it’s not necessary to forgive them at that moment but you do need to make up and let them know how much you care about them.

33. When your best friend lies to you, you must make a choice. You can either forgive them and move on, or believe that the lie means their loyalty and trustworthiness is in question. Making that decision can be a challenge if you still love them, but it’s important to think about which path will ultimately bring you happiness.

34. A best friend is a special person in your life. They’re supposed to be everything you will ever need, but when they lie it’s almost impossible to keep them in your life.

35. When someone who is supposed to be an ally betrays you this way, it can sting and make you feel like you don’t know anything anymore.

36. When someone you love lies, there’s nothing worse than knowing that they betrayed your trust. The hardest part is feeling so angry and hurt without even knowing if the person had a good reason to do what they did.

37. When your best friend lies to you, it hurts. When you tell them how you feel and they don’t listen, it hurts even more. Then one day you realize that they aren’t the person they were when you first met them.

38. When your best friend lies to you, it can cause a loss of trust between the two of you—and even worse, it could even lead to the end of your friendship.

39. Lying to your friend is a betrayal, but if you’re asking how to deal with your best friend lying to you, then a better question is whether or not you should even attempt to patch things up.

40. When a friend lies to you it’s hard to forgive. However, if u could make it through that difficult time will be able to love them again with all of your heart.

41. When your best friend lies to you, it can hurt. But even if you think they’re not your best friend anymore, there might be ways to salvage your friendship.

42. The worst feeling in the world is when your best friend lies to you. It makes you feel so betrayed, and it destroys your trust in them forever.

43. When your best friend lies to you, cut them out of your life and move on. It hurts to find that someone who always had your back stabbed you in yours. Don’t trust anybody until they prove it.

44. When you discover that your close friend has lied to you, it can be difficult to cope with. The important thing is to learn from the experience and move on.

45. When your best friend lies to you, it’s hard to trust someone who has done that,” but if you can learn from this situation and move on, it could be an advantage in the future.

46. When your best friend lies to you, you should do everything you can to find out the truth. The problem is that first, you need to know what’s really going on. And that’s not easy if your friend is hiding something.

47. A friend who lies to you is worse than an enemy who tells the truth.

48. When your best friend lies to you, it’s nearly impossible not to get angry. You will wonder what happened to the person who was so close to you and now it feels like they have closed off their heart.

49. When your best friend lies to you, it’s probably best to confront them about it.

50. Although it hurts like crazy when a friend lies, there are ways to rebuild trust with your friend.

51. Lying and betrayal are very hurtful. When your best friend lies to you, it’s like being betrayed by your own family.

52. If your best friend has lied to you, it’s important that you work through these issues in a manner that won’t leave any hard feelings between the two of you.

53. Every time your best friend lies to you, try not to react. When you do react and find yourself hurt, get up and walk away.

54. When your best friend lies to you, know that a true friend will be honest with you even if it hurts. A real friend will never betray your trust no matter how difficult the consequences could be.

55. When your best friend lies to you, it’s easy to feel abandoned and betrayed. The truth is that lying to you is probably the last thing they want to do.

56. When your best friend lies to you, it hurts. It hurts worse than when your boyfriend or girlfriend lies to you.

57. There is nothing worse than when your best friend lies to you. It can feel like the end of the world and cause a lot of resentment and anger. The important thing to remember is that the only way to recover from this type of betrayal is with time and forgiveness.

58. When your best friend lies to you, he or she is stealing your trust, whether knowingly or not. The betrayal is still there and can never be forgotten.

59. Your best friend’s lie can leave you stunned, speechless and angry. You might feel betrayed, used and confused. But rather than lash out in anger or tears, try to consider why your best friend lied to you and how you can talk to them about it.

60. It’s hard to know what to do when your best friend lies to you. You trust them and don’t expect to be lied to, but the truth is that it will happen.

61. Being lied to by a best friend is one of the worst things you can go through. It’s especially difficult to accept if it’s been an ongoing thing, and you’re still naïve enough to think they’re your friend.

62. When your best friend lies to you, it’s like a piece of you dies every time.

63. Being lied to by a best friend is never easy, but there are ways to help you get through it.

64. Being lied to by a best friend is the worst feeling in the world. It hurts more than any other emotion and can be very confusing and painful.

65. Being lied to by a best friend is one of the most painful things that can happen to you. Trust takes so long to build but only seconds to destroy.

66. When your best friend lies to you with the intention of hurting you is a betrayal of trust.

67. Being lied to by a best friend is probably one of the most annoying and hurtful things that can happen to you.

68. Being lied to by a best friend is sometimes even more painful than being thrown in the water when you know you can’t swim.

69. Being lied to by a best friend is worse than being lied to by anyone else.

70. Being lied to by a best friend is like a dagger in your heart. Admitting it is like being stabbed several times over in the same place.

71. Being lied to by a best friend is like being trusted by someone you don’t know. You can so easily lose your trust and faith in them and never look at them the same way again.

72. Being lied to by a best friend is one of the most painful things you can experience. It may not be physical but the emotional pain that comes with finding out what their true colours are is nothing short of heart-wrenching.

73. When your best friend lies to you, it hurts more than a betrayal from any other source.

74. It’s hard to know what to do when someone you trust lies repeatedly. When it comes down to it, it’s a matter of how much longer you want to maintain that relationship. It really isn’t worth sacrificing your own integrity over an individual who doesn’t respect yours in return.

75. This is probably one of the hardest words to say, but if your best friend lies to you about something important and sensitive, you need to say it aloud.

76. If your best friend lies to you don’t trust them! It’s also very hard to believe that they would lie. If they do, then they don’t deserve you as a friend.

77. When your best friend has lied to you, it’s easy to feel like you can never trust them again.

78. Lies from friends are always disguised and usually more difficult to spot than lies from strangers. When your friend lies to you, it often leaves an emotional impact that is much more severe than a stranger lying to you would.

79. It’s difficult to feel like your best friend is honest and truthful when they lie. Lying hurts more than anything else can because you know when someone lies to you and it breaks your trust.

80. When your best friend lies to you, they’re not only betraying your trust but also devaluing you by saying that you are so easy to trick.

81. Best friends should always be honest with each other. When your best friend lies to you, it makes you feel betrayed and like you can never trust them again.

82. If your best friend lies to you, what can you do? If you give them the benefit of the doubt, they learn from their mistake. If you don’t, their lies become habitual and eventually, you may lose trust in them.

83. A true friend wouldn’t lie to you and make up excuses because it would hurt your relationship.

84. If your best friend lies to you, he or she isn’t really a best friend at all.

85. If your best friend lies to you, it’s because they don’t trust you. If they don’t trust you, then why are they your best friend in the first place?

86. When you’re best friend lies to you, it hurts more than the most devastating breakup.

87. If your best friend lies to you, don’t chastise them. Chastise yourself for being stupid enough to ever trust them in the first place.

88. Lying to your best friend is the ultimate betrayal, especially if you’ve been friends for years. While it may be hard to deal with the truth, in many cases your friendship is worth fighting for.

89. Being lied to by your best friend is the most uncomfortable thing in the world.

90. When your best friend lies to you, it is not necessarily because he doesn’t love you but because he thinks that the truth will hurt you more.

91. When your best friend lies to you, it can feel like the end of the world. But if they are trustworthy and have good intentions, they will come clean. If they don’t, it’s time to cut ties.

92. If your best friend lies to you, what can you do to make yourself feel better? Try not to be angry at them, hash out the situation with them and work it out together.

93. When your best friend lies to you, it can send you into a spiral of self-doubt, hurt and confusion. When trying to understand what happened, you might get lost in your emotions and blame yourself for the deception.

94. When your best friend lies to you, it won’t just hurt your feelings. It can also break your heart. Friendships built on lies are not worth keeping.

95. Lies from friends can leave you feeling more hurt and disrespected than a stranger lying would. They are more difficult to spot, and the emotional impact often lasts longer.

96. When your best friend lies to you, it’s almost like they were cheating on you with somebody else. You feel betrayed and hurt.

97. Lies from friends are very difficult to handle. Especially when a lie is well hidden, it can shake our trust in other people and make us question everything around us.

98. When your friend lies to you, it can be a death blow for your relationship. Especially when the lie is so big and you know it, but do not want to accept it.

99. When your best friend lies to you, it seems like you have lost not only your friend but also a part of yourself. The feeling of being lied to by someone you love is one that doesn’t go away easily.

100. When your best friend lies to you, it can be deeply hurtful. You often trust your friends more than anyone else, but when they lie to you, especially about serious matters like a breakup or something that affects both of you, it will leave you unsettled and confused.

These, when your best friend lies to you quotes, must have taught you how to handle betrayal from friends. Feel free to express what you think about this topic in the comment section.

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