Adieu Quotes for Friends

It’s never easy to say goodbye to those we’ve grown close to and developed strong relationships with.

Whether it’s due to the end of a school year, a job change, moving to a different city, or even death, saying goodbye to friends can be an incredibly difficult and emotional experience.

This is especially true when the friends we’re saying goodbye to have been part of our lives for a long time.

Goodbyes make us confront our feelings of loss and regret, often leaving us feeling sad and lonely. To make it easy for you, I have put together some adieu quotes for friends that you can use to bid farewell to your friend.

It won’t make the pain go away, but it will help make your goodbye less awkward.

Adieu Quotes for Friends

1. Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget. Thank you for the laughter, joy and adventure! The memories you left behind will be treasured. Adieu.

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Adieu Quotes for Friends ()

2. t truly has been a pleasure having you as a part of my life. I am so lucky to have had you by my side, and I wish you nothing but the best in all that you do in life.

3. I would like to thank you for the great times we have shared together. I will treasure all the memories we made together, and I wish you nothing but luck in life.

4. I guess this is it. All I can say is keep being yourself. I will always cherish the time we spent together. Good luck to you!

5. This has been such an amazing experience. I can’t believe how fast time has gone by. I’ll always remember our summer together and the great games we played! Good luck to you!

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Adieu Quotes for Friends ()

6. I know our time together was short, but you made a big impact in my life. Thank you for everything; I wish you the best in your future endeavours.

7. I’ve been a big fan of yours for as long as I can remember. You’ve made me feel so good about myself, and for that, I will always love you!

8. Goodbye, my friend; you will always be in my heart.

9. I’ll always remember the times we shared and how much you taught me about life. I will miss you always.

10. We have known each other for a long time. It has been an adventure full of memories, laughs and tears. But this adventure has come to an end. Goodbye, friend.


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Adieu Quotes for Friends ()

11. I’ll be remembering you and the good times. You were a great friend, and we had some good times! We’ve shared so many good times together; I wish you all the best as you move forward in your journey.

12. We will always miss you. But let’s focus on the positive memories we had and the good things that have happened and, hopefully, see each other again soon.

13. I will miss you more than you will miss me.

14. Farewell, friends. We’ll meet again; you can count on that.

15. It’s not the end; it’s a new beginning. Wherever you are, I hope you’re having as much fun as I am.

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Adieu Quotes for Friends ()

16. Thinking of you and wishing you bright and breezy days ahead.

17. It’s time to say goodbye and thank you because we’re all going our own way. Farewell and Godspeed!

18. You will always have a place in my heart. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.

19. It’s not the end of the world. It’s just the end of a chapter. Goodbye.

20. Cheers to a fresh start!

Adieu Quotes for Friends
Adieu Quotes for Friends

21. Friends are like stars, and we are lucky to have them; they shine forever in our lives.

22. Goodbye, friends; my heart is in your hands.

23. Life is too short to spend it with people who bring you down. Be kind, be happy and have fun!

24. Until we meet again, stay strong.

25. It’s not the end of the world. It’s just the beginning of a new one.

26. A good friend is like a river that flows, always moving forward. The memories you’ve shared will live forever, just as the road ahead will take us in different directions. But we’ll always find our way back to one another and our friendship. Adieu!

27. Farewell to the best of friends, who understand us in all ways and are always there for us. We wish you many more happy years together.

28. Farewell, friend; I’m going to miss you so much. Thank you for the wonderful memories.

29. Dear friends, go with grace. Say goodbye with love. And remember that all your memories will live on in our hearts forever.

30. We have been good friends for a long time. I will miss you always and forever!

31. We will always remember you as a friend and a brother.

32. I may not always be around to laugh and have fun with you, but I will always be your friend. Goodbye, my friend.

33. Adieu, my friend. Let us not waste one moment of your passing.

34. To all my friends, you have been a great support in my life. I hope we always remain friends, and there is no better way to say goodbye than through a series of beautiful photos.

35. It’s been an honour to have you as a part of my life. I am forever grateful for all the wonderful times we had, and I wish you nothing but the very best in life.

36. You’re the light in my day and the moon on my side. I wish you the best of everything, always.

37. It is with a heavy heart that I write this letter to you, my best friend. I have so much to say, not just about us but about the things we both have done in life and all the adventures that have happened in between.

38. I’m leaving this card for you to say thank you for everything you’ve done. I’m sure you’ll find a great new place to live.

39. It has truly been a pleasure to have known you and worked with you. You will be greatly missed.

40. Goodbye, friend. I know that you will enjoy the world and life you are about to set off on.

41. In life, as in love, we need to say goodbye.

42. Farewell, friend. A time has come when you must move onward to a different place and face new challenges. Remember that no matter what happens, you have always had the strength of your friends by your side.

43. You were my friend before you knew me, and I will always remember that.

44. We shared too much. We laughed, cried and fought together as if our lives depended on it. But here I am, leaving you behind.

45. Goodbye to all that I know. Goodbye to all of the places I’ve been. Goodbye, but not forgotten.

46. There are some people you meet on this earth who are meant to fade away. But not you, no, not you. I will miss you, but I will never forget you.

47. We may not be best friends, but I’ll always remember the time we shared. Adieu!

48. Adieu to those we love, farewell to those we leave behind. Farewell!

49. Never forget where you came from, and never give up on the people that made you who you are. Love to all!

50. It’s been good to know you. Adieu!

I hope that you found the words that best captured how you feel about saying goodbye to your beloved friends. Use them in your messages, cards, letters, and even as little notes on a going away present. Do share these adieu quotes for friends with others as well; you can never tell who might need them next. Finally,  please leave a comment in the comments section before you go. Thank you.

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