I Am So Lucky to Have a Best Friend Like You Quotes

Friendship is one of the most important things in our lives. It is the most valuable treasure we can have. We all make friends in different ways, at different times and with different people. However, it is important to know that there are certain friends who are special and are lucky to have. They will always be there for you no matter what.

These are the people who will always be there for you as a friend and nothing else; they will always accept you for who you are, no matter what others say about you or your actions. They will stand by you in your darkest days and celebrate with you when things go well in your life. These friends will always look out for their other friends’ interests first before their own and do whatever they can to protect them from harm or pain, even if it means putting themselves at risk doing so.

This type of friendship is a rare thing but once found should never be let go of because it is something that cannot be duplicated or replaced by anyone else in this world. And you can express how awesome your best friend is with these I am so lucky to have a best friend like you quotes below.

I Am So Lucky to Have a Best Friend Like You Quotes

I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. You are always there for me and make me feel better when I feel down. You have helped me through some very tough times in my life. You are the best friend anyone can ask for!

1. I am so lucky to have you as my best friend. You make me laugh, I cry, and feel like I can do anything. You are the most wonderful person I know and I will always be grateful for our friendship.

I Am So Lucky to Have a Best Friend Like You Quotes

2. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you who is there for me when no one else is, and I am just so grateful that you are there to make my day better.

3. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. You’re always there for me when times are tough, and you make me laugh no matter what’s going on in my life. I couldn’t ask for a better friend than you.

4. You are the best support system I could have. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you by my side.

5. You are my best friend, the one person in my life whom I could always turn to and talk about anything. I am so lucky to have you in my life!

6. I love you because what we have is like no other relationship. I love the fact that we fight but we always make up. My life would be incomplete without you in it, my best friend.

7. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you! I never knew what it would be like to have an amazing friend who understands so much until I met you. You’re the best kind of friend because you give me space when I need it but also take me by the hand and make everything seem a little better. I feel so lucky to call myself your friend, and even luckier that we met each other.

I Am So Lucky to Have a Best Friend Like You Quotes ()

8. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. You are the first person I can tell about anything and everything.

9. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. I don’t have to correct my mistakes because you’ll do it on your own. You care about me when no one else does. You relieve my stress, even when it isn’t yours to carry. You’re always there for me when I need a shoulder and you make all my problems feel so much lighter even the ones that are clearly not yours to carry.

10. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. You make me laugh, and smile, and you always know how to calm me down when I’m upset. Thank you for being there for me through it all.

11. I’m so lucky to have a best friend like you who is not just my pal, but also one of the most important people in my life. You’ve taught me many things over the years and supported me through thick and thin.

12. When I look at you, I see an amazing person, a best friend and most of all a great friend. You mean the world to me and I am so lucky to have you in my life.

13. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you, who can make me laugh until my sides hurt and I lose track of time. You are truly amazing and I am lucky to call you my friend.

14. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you who helped me through the worst times of my life. You have always brought me joy and laughter when I was down and confused. You were there for me both in good times and bad times, in every moment of joy, you made it more joyful because you were there; in every moment of sorrow, you made it less sorrowful because you were there. Indeed your friendship is priceless.

15. I am so lucky to have a friend like you. You are so special to me and I can’t imagine my life without you. I don’t know what I would do without you in my life, because you have enriched it with your presence, advice and love.

I Am So Lucky to Have a Best Friend Like You Quotes ()

16. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. You are the first person I want to tell about everything and I feel grateful for that. You are my favourite person to talk to and it is so incredible to have someone who understands me so well.

17. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. You always make me laugh and do awesome things with me. It’s not easy to find people who you can talk about anything with, but we were blessed that we found each other.

18. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. You always remind me how to enjoy life and make it more beautiful.

19. I’m so lucky to have a best friend who knows me so well, talks with me when I’m feeling sad and gives me great advice when I need it. You’re the best and I wouldn’t be me without you.

20. I feel very lucky to have such a great friend like you in my life. From the way you know me well and can laugh along with me anytime is all amazing. Indeed, you make my life brighter and more fun.

21. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you, who is always there for me and never lets me down. You are truly an amazing person and I love you from the bottom of my heart.

22. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you because your bravery and empathy are constantly spreading light in the darkest of places.

I Am So Lucky to Have a Best Friend Like You Quotes ()

23. It’s a blessing to have an amazing best friend, who has stood by me throughout the years. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you.

24. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. You’re fun, kind and thoughtful and are always there for me when I need your help.

25. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you, who has always been there for me. You’re the most understanding, sweet and kind person I know. Thank you for being my friend.

26. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. Not only do you provide me with a shoulder to cry on, but also with a neck for my head pillows!

27. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you who has the same attitude as me, a best friend who is there for me when I need them, and a best friend who knows what I need even before I can ask.

28. You will always have that special place in my heart. I’m glad that we are friends and will always be.

29. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you, who always understands me. You are one of the best people I’ve ever met, and I am delighted that we are friends.

I Am So Lucky to Have a Best Friend Like You Quotes ()

30. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you who is always there for me and makes me feel safe when I need it.

31. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. You, who always give me all the advice I need and help me stay calm when things get hard; You, who makes sure that my life is filled with laughter and happiness even when no one else really appreciates my jokes; You, who can see all the good in people and bring that out in them; You’re everything I could have ever hoped for in a friend, and every time I see you or hear about you or remember you, it makes me smile.

32. You have helped me through so much, and I am so lucky to have a best friend like you.

33. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you who knows everything about me and still loves me. You are the one person I can trust, count on, talk to, and laugh with.

34. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. You are wonderful in every way, and I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your friendship. Thanks for always being there for me.

35. Your friendship is a bright spot in my life and it’s a special pleasure to share with you.

36. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. You’re fun, smart, and generous and most importantly, you always know what to say when I need it most. Thank you for being such an amazing person.

37. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you, who always compliments me and changes my mood when it is down.

38. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you in my life, the reason for my smile and happiness. I love you!

39. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. As we grow older, the fact that I have a friend like you is more precious than diamonds and gold.

40. I am so lucky to have a friend like you, who is not just a generic best friend. I am lucky because I know that you will always be there when I need you.

41. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you who cares and supports me unconditionally.

42. Having a best friend like you makes me feel so lucky. Your love and companionship mean everything to me, and I will always be by your side through thick and thin.

43. A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same. Thank you for being my friend and my strength; I am lucky to have someone like you in my life.

44. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you, who listens to all my problems and doesn’t think I’m bad! Thanks for being there for me.

45. I’m so lucky to have a best friend like you. And I will try not to take for granted all the happiness you bring into my life.

46. I have known you all of my life, yet I never got to know you before. Thank God, I have a best friend like you who is so loyal and caring. You make me feel proud to be your friend and no matter how busy we are in our lives, you are always there for me.

47. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you, who cares about me and loves me like no other. Thanks for being there when I need you, I know just how lucky I am to have you as my friend.

48. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you because I know that no matter what happens, you’ll always be by my side.

49. You put me first every single time and never let me down. You are my sunshine and that is why I am lucky to have a best friend like you.

50. You are a best friend and a sister like no other. Someone who knows all my flaws, what I do wrong, but loves me anyway. I feel so lucky to have a best friend like you.

51. You’re a good listener, a great dancer and the sweetest person I know. You’re the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing on my mind before falling asleep. I feel so lucky to have a sweetheart for a best friend.

52. Your friendship is one of the greatest gifts God has given to me. Thank you for being a part of my life and thank you for making me smile every single day.

53. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you, who can make me smile no matter what. You’re such an amazing friend, I’m so happy that you are in my life!

54. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you; someone I can talk to, someone who understands when I am sad and always finds the good in me.

55. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. Thank you for being you, and not someone else because there can be no one better than you.

56. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. You are my sister, my mother, and my friend all at the same time. Because of you, I’ve never been alone.

57. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you because you’ve helped me through so much. You’re not just my friend—you’re my sister. I love you so much.

58. You are the best friend that anyone can ever have. When I am down and out, you are there to listen. Every time I get into trouble, you are there to help me solve it. You never fail to surprise me with wonderful surprises and gifts even when there is no occasion at all.

59. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you, who is kind, loyal and most importantly honest with me. I often thank my lucky stars for the day we met. Your friendship means more to me than you know.

60. I’m the luckiest person in the world to have someone who is always there for me. Thank you for your love and support, my friend.

61. I have the best friend in the world. She is always by my side, we’ve been through everything together and she got me through when I was in the hospital. She has always believed in me, even when I couldn’t believe it myself. I am lucky to have someone like you to call my best friend.

62. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. Thanks for being my friend because you’re the only person I can be myself around, and you know all of my quirks. Don’t ever change and always remember that I care about you no matter what and love our friendship.

63. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you because you make me feel important, you listen to all of my problems, and you never stop supporting me.

64. You have always been there for me, from the beginning to the very end. We have shared our secrets, laughed together, cried together and supported each other through thick and thin. You are my best friend and I love you so much.

65. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you, who knows the meaning of the word “friends”. You are not only my friend but also my soulmate, my business partner, and my life partner.

66. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. Friendships don’t always last forever, but yours is one that will never be forgotten.

67. Yes, it is true that I am one of the most lucky people who has ever lived because I have an amazing friend like you.

68. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you, who keeps me busy the whole day. I am so happy that you are definitely the person I want to spend my life with, who would compromise with me whenever I do something wrong and will never leave my side no matter what happens.

69. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. You are the kind of friend that always makes me see the sunny side of life. No matter what happens, I would want you to know how much I value and appreciate your friendship.

70. You are the best friend a girl could ask for. You always have my back and I love you for that. If there is anything I could ever do to make you happy, just let me know.

71. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you who always loves me unconditionally and keeps me smiling even when things are not going well.

72. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you, who understands me and has stood by my side ever since we were young! I don’t know what I would have done without you in my life, but I’m glad that everything turned out okay.

73. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. You are the type of person I will always cherish because you make me happy in every way possible.

74. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you! You mean more to me than anything else in my life.

75. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. You really helped me through those days when I was down and depressed, and you’re always there for me.

76. I’m so lucky to have a best friend like you. You are always there for me and make me feel great. You have such a big heart, you always make me feel special and most importantly, you are always there for me. I love the fact that we can talk about anything with each other and will never judge each other. We don’t need to be physically together in order to enjoy ourselves. Our friendship means the world to me because it’s something that I treasure dearly.

77. I feel blessed to have a friend like you. There are times when I question, who am I to have such wonderful friends like you? I know you will come through for me no matter what the challenge.

78. Friends are a precious gift and the best of them are like gold. Very rarely you find a friend as loyal as you, who has always been your friend through good and bad. You’re beautiful on the inside, but I love the outside too.

79. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. You make me happy, you make me smile and stay strong when I can’t. You always know what to say and I hope our friendship will last forever.

80. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. You are my sounding board and hear my deepest thoughts and dreams, laugh at my silliest jokes and encourage me when I need it most. Thank you for all the ways you have made me a better person.

81. It’s easy to think of you as a best friend since you always go out of your way to be supportive and help me. My life wouldn’t be the same without you.

82. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. You always know how to put me at ease and make me laugh. You are one of the most supportive people I know, and I hope our friendship lasts forever.

83. It’s always nice to have someone by your side who understands what you want and how you feel. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you.

84. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. I enjoy every moment I spend with you and that’s why I always try to make you happy because your happiness is my happiness.

85. I’m incredibly lucky to be your best friend. You are always there for me and I love how kind you are.

86. I may have not met a lot of people in my life, but the ones who influenced me and made me believe in myself are truly world-class. One of those is you, my best friend. You taught me many things, but most importantly, you taught me to be positive even when I feel like giving up.

87. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. To laugh with, share my deepest fears and hopes with, allow me to be myself without judgement, and show me that life is not all bad.

88. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you! For so many reasons, I never thought you would be my best friend. But somehow it happened and now we are inseparable from each other. I’m glad you came into my life!

89. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. You are indeed a true friend and one who is not afraid to tell me everything I need to hear or know sometimes. You are honest, loyal and trustworthy.

90. You’re a tonic for the onerous and an antidote for the banal. Your presence gives me energy when my batteries are low, and your laughter lifts me out of every trouble I face. You’re constantly on my mind, in my heart—never out of my sight at all. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you.

91. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. You’re always there when I need you and you are the first person I call whenever something good happens to me. My life would be so boring without you.

92. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. Your friendship is one of my biggest blessings. In fact, I believe that the more time that passes, the stronger our bond grows.

93. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you who completely understands me even when I don’t, is there for me whenever I need you and loves me even when I don’t deserve it.

94. We have been friends for a very long time and I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. There are times when I don’t know what I would do without you, thanks for always being there.

95. I am not just lucky because I have a best friend like you. I am so lucky because you are also my amazing brother, a partner in crime, my second brain and the person who keeps me grounded. And knowing how to do that takes a lot of skill.

96. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. You are an amazing person and I am proud to call you my best friend.

97. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. You are my support, my inspiration when I’m down, and the best person to hang out with whenever I need someone to talk to. Thank you for being there for me every day.

98. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you! You’re always there when I need you and your support is amazing, but more than anything else, your friendship means the world to me.

99. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. You know how to make me laugh and how to give me advice when I need it most. Anyone could be happy with you in their life because you are so caring and understanding.

100. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you. You make me laugh, you share my thoughts and dreams, and even take the time to help me with my homework. You’re the best friend in the world, and I’m so glad I found you.

I believe these I am so lucky to have a best friend like you quotes resonate with just how you feel about that best friend of yours. Sharing your comment on this post in the comment section will be well appreciated.

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