Sometimes Friends Are Better Than Family Quotes

When it comes to relationships, we often feel that the people we are closest with are our family. When you are in a good place with your family, it’s great to have that support system. But there are times when friends can be better than family.

Family members can become too involved in your problems and may not give you the space or privacy you need. Family members may not always be willing to listen to your problems and might even make things worse by giving unhelpful advice.

This is especially true if they have their own issues to deal with. Friends, on the other hand, may be more willing to listen without judging or giving advice unless they think it would help the situation.

This collection of sometimes friends are better than family quotes below talk about why friends could be better than family.

Sometimes Friends Are Better Than Family Quotes

Friends can be important because they can show you a different side of yourself and sometimes make you a better version of yourself. Sometimes it’s easier to talk to friends about your problems and get their advice than going to family members.

1. Sometimes friends are better than family. When our family acts like they don’t care, we find friends who will love us through thick and thin. Friends are there to help us through the good times, not just the bad ones.

2. Sometimes, our friends are better than family members because of their support and care for each other. Friends will always be there for you in the toughest times, no matter what people think.

3. Friends can be more understanding, caring and giving than family. They are there when you need them, providing support, companionship and unconditional love.

4. If you’re lucky, your friends will always be there for you. Sometimes more than your own family.

5. Friends can offer a shoulder to cry on, support when you need it most and are there at your best and worst. They’re sometimes better than family because they love you unconditionally and don’t have a history with you that may be hard to overcome.

Sometimes Friends Are Better Than Family Quotes
Sometimes Friends Are Better Than Family Quotes

6. Your family can be great, but aren’t they always on your case? Sometimes you need a friend you can trust, who likes all the same things as you. Friends are the family we want.

7. Friends are better than family when they are there for you in the trenches. There is no family that you could have that would help you out of a ditch or listen to your woes for hours; only a true friend will do this for you.

8. We all need friends. They are there for us when we get into trouble. Friends are always loyal and dependable; sometimes, they are better than family because you choose them.

9. Sometimes, you need friends who love you even when you feel lost or broken. Sometimes, being surrounded by family doesn’t help fix a broken heart or soul. Friends are the people who help to heal and make us whole again.

10. Sometimes friends are better than family. They’re more accepting, understanding and forgiving. Friends know you for who you are and love you anyway.

Sometimes Friends Are Better Than Family Quotes ()
Sometimes Friends Are Better Than Family Quotes ()

11. The more you love someone, the better you become. Be there for your friends because sometimes friends are better than family.

12. We typically think of family above all else, but sometimes friends are better than family. When you’re surrounded by good people who are always there for you, your inner strength will inspire them to do great things.

13. Sometimes friends are better than family because they’re less likely to try and force you into doing things with them. They’re more likely to respect your choices. If they don’t, they’re probably not your friend anyways.

14. Friends have always been there for you, even during difficult times. They are not just your companions but also your family. Sometimes friends are better than family—they love you no matter what and never stop believing in you.

15. Sometimes friends are better than family because they’re always there for you. They never waver and can always be counted on to have your back.

Sometimes Friends Are Better Than Family Quotes ()
Sometimes Friends Are Better Than Family Quotes ()

16. Friends are the family you choose. It’s better to have a few friends who care about you than family members who don’t.

17. Sometimes, the family can be a burden, but friends can always help you out with a smile, even though they might not share the same blood with you. They love you just as much, if not more than some families do.

18. Friends can be better than family, especially when it comes to dealing with the stresses of life. Friendships can often help you get through difficult times without the drama found in a lot of parent/child relationships.

19. We all have friends who have been there for us through thick and thin. And sometimes, it turns out those friends are even better than family.

20. Friends can be better than family. They are the people we choose, who choose us back. They know us intimately, perhaps even better than our family does.

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Sometimes Friends Are Better Than Family Quotes ()

21. Friends can be better than family when you have the right ones. These are the people who will stand by you through the good and bad times, who understand your quirks, and who don’t try to change you or even expect you to change for them.

22. Friends can be better than family. They care about you more, and they expect more from you, which in some ways, makes them a better influence.

23. Friends can be better than family as long as you choose your friends with care. A good friend is a true companion that will never desert you, leave you lonely, or take advantage of you.

24. You can learn to love your best friend more than you love your blood relative. Your friends are very close to you and sometimes even closer to you than your family.

25. Friends are better than family in many ways. They can provide more protection, they are more caring, and they look out for your best interests.

Sometimes Friends Are Better Than Family Quotes ()
Sometimes Friends Are Better Than Family Quotes ()

26. Friends come and go, but family is forever. And when you have a friend that sticks with you through thick and thin, it can be better than any family ties you may have.

27. It is easier to talk to a friend than family; they are there for you no matter what, and they might even offer better advice than your parents or siblings could.

28. Friends can be better than family because they can be your family and your friend. They’re the ones who understand everything about you and accept you for it. They’re the ones who feel like a part of your life – not only at this moment in time but forever.

29. Friends are always there for us and help us out when we need it most. Sometimes, they can be better than family because they don’t fight with you, they don’t blame you for things you did years ago, and they won’t make you feel guilty about leaving them behind.

30. Friends are a lot better than family. Sure, they can sometimes be annoying, but they’ll never sell you out or stab you in the back. They’ll always be there when needed, no matter what.

31. Friends can be better than family, especially when the family is dysfunctional.

32. Friends can be better than family because they will always be with you, and they will encourage you to reach your goals and dreams.

33. Friends are essential in your life and are not like family. They can be a better choice to hang out with, but it is not always the case.

34. Family is a bond that can never be broken. But sometimes the love of friends is stronger and more loyal than even your family.

35. Friends can be better than family. They are more likely to have your back, and there aren’t any expectations that come with friendship.

36. When you’re looking for family, friends can be better than family. They tell you the truth when your family lies to you.

37. Friends can be better than family because they are more likely to support your ambitions, goals and dreams. The family will often tell you what to do and sometimes annoy you that you’re not doing it.

38. Friends can be better than family when it comes to sticking by you, but nothing will ever compare to family in your life. Friends can be the best source of comfort and support during tough times.

39. We should love our family, but families don’t always bring the same kind of loyalty to things as friends do. Friends are not blood-related, but they can be better than family.

40. Having true friends can be better than having a family. Friends may never lie to you or hurt you because they care about your well-being and happiness. Your family may sometimes hurt and deceive you.

41. Your family may be in the same town and be around you all the time, but sometimes that’s not enough. There’s something about the people who don’t live with you, who live their lives somewhere else and are just great friends.

42. Family is a bit overrated. Sometimes, friends are the only ones who will ever truly appreciate you for all of your faults.

43. Family is great, but some friends can make your life better than what you had with your real family.

44. Friends can be the people you count on, share your most intimate secrets with, care about and trust more than family.

45. I know that family is great, but I’d rather hang out with some friends.

46. Sometimes, you need a friend more than family. Sometimes when you trust someone so much, it’s better than your own blood.

47. I have a couple of friends who are way better than my family during the holidays. They get me. When I’m home, they don’t fight like my family does over unnecessary things—like who gets to host the next gathering.

48. There’s no one else like family. But there is another group of people who get you through the rough times and keep you smiling: your friends. And sometimes they are way better than family.

49. Family is fantastic, but friends can be better. Family always has your back, but friends are always there for you when things are rough.

50. Family can be better than friends, but sometimes you find friends who are better than family.

There is no doubt that families should be important in your life, but sometimes they can become toxic. The best thing you can do if you have a family member who is difficult is to distance yourself from them as much as possible. If they have issues or problems of their own, you will only get dragged into them, and it won’t make anything better.

There are many more reasons why anyone will choose friends over family, and I hope any of these sometimes friends are better than family quotes resonate perfectly with your reason(s) for preferring friends over family. Feel free to share other reasons you may have why friends are better than family with me in the comments section.

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